Chekad General-purpose Gelcoat code is GC-3000 and it is available in hand lay-up & spray up viscosities.

All types of Chekad Gelcoats have unlimited color options and clear types. Range of colors is open upon request (A color sample or RAL code is needed for color paste and Gelcoat color matching).

Properties Value
Hardness 75-80 Shore-D

Tensil Strenght

4 Kgf/mm²
Flexual strength 9 Kgf/mm²

Deflection temperature (HDT)



2% Max

Water absorption

0.1-0.2 %

If kept in 25°C room temperature and with pails lid closed, its shelf life would be 3 months, while if the Gelcoat contains Cobalt, its shelf life would be 1 month.


Product Group