Epoxy Adhesive
Chekad produces Epoxy Adhesive EP-4000, a two-component epoxy adhesive (100% solid without solvent) is based on epoxy resin that is suitable for connecting fiberglass parts and composite structures that are made by pultrusion, SMC, BMC and, RTM methods. This adhesive can be used for connecting GRP pipes (in bonded joint) and metallic, glass and, wooden parts.
Among the characteristics of solvent-free epoxy adhesive are the following:
- High tensile strength
- Excellent adherence to different types of composite, concrete and, metal parts
- Good erosion and corrosion resistance
- Chemicals resistant
- Excellent resistance at humid conditions or marine climate
- Suitable pot life (curing time start in 25oc is one hour)
- Good resistance against flowing (on vertical walls)
- Easy execution (by scraper and sagging spatula)
Surface preparation:
The surface must be clean and without any laitance and form oil from concrete Clean the surface with tinner
Application Condition:
All surfaces must be dry. The temperature of the ambient air and the surface should not fall below 5oc during application.
Mixing components:
Component 1 is called epoxy adhesive and component 2 is called hardener. They both should be mixed with equal weight ratio and after preparation of required surface; it must be executed by using a scraper. It must be noted that any shock on the part must be prevented for 8 hours after beginning the execution and it is better to fix the connection point with suitable fixtures. If a post cure is possible, the parts must be left in 60oc for 6 hours so that they are cured completely, and if no curing is possible, the parts should not be displaced for 48 hours.